Sunday 19 June 2016

Common Foods You Should Never Reheat

Hello Angels

Healthy body is a gift of God and to keep it healthy it has to be fed right food . In our busy professional life we usually ignore the way we should use the left over food in daily lives. According to the Food Standards Agency, the secret to make sure you eat safely is in four
 Cs :Cleaning, Cooking, Chilling and Cross Contamination or avoiding it.

But when it comes to reheating of the food, one must make sure that it is steaming hot all the way through and do not heat food more than once. There are several foods that one should take care to avoid reheating.

Chicken has high protein content and reheating causes several digestive  problems. Best reuse cold in salads and sandwiches .

Spinach is full of Iron and Nitrates. If reheated, nitrates are converted into nitrites and other carcinogens.
3) EGGS :
High protein morning staple food, reheating at high temperature makes them toxic and they can wreck your digestive system.

Mushrooms have Complex protein composition . Ideally to be consumed same day. Before you cook them take exact amount that you can finish the same day.
Reheating may cause a change in the composition of proteins and even change in the taste. They cause digestive problems and lose their health benefit.

5) RICE :
Rice is common left over item, one can get food poisoning after reheating. It is not actually the reheating that's the problem ,it is the way it is stored before reheating.
Uncooked rice can contain spores of bacteria that can cause food poisoning. When the rice is cooked the spores can survive. Then, if the rice is left standing at room temperature ,the spores multiply and may produce poisons that cause vomiting or diarrhea. Reheating them won't get rid of these poisons. 
  • ideally, serve rice as soon as cooked.
  • if that isn't possible ,cool the rice as quickly as possible.
  • keep rice in fridge for no more than one day until reheating.
  • when you reheat rice ,always check that the dish is steaming hot all the way through..
  • do not reheat rice more than once .
6) TURNIPS : Common in soups, due to high nitrates, reheating is not advisable as it can get toxic.

7) OILS : Reheated oil contains toxic aldehydes which is linked to different types of cancers and neuro-degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's .

8) BEETS : Rich in nitrates like spinach, reheating causes trouble. So serve them cold if any left over .

9) LETTUCE : Best when eaten raw, cook if you must , but never reheat. It has high nitrates which on reheating, causes food poisoning .

(TIP :if you are making a dish with one of these items , adjust the amount you are making to a serving size that is appropriate for you and your family to eliminate the leftovers.)

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