Monday 27 June 2016

DIY: Acne , Blackhead, Whitehead Removal at home

Hi Sweethearts
                        Acne, whiteheads and blackheads are the most common and most stubborn skin problems , especially for the younger age group. These can be treated with various methods , using variety of expensive creams and treatments. sometimes it works, but sometimes it doesn't. But what if I tell you that you can cure acne and blackheads at HOME , FOR FREE !!! All natural and safe for skin.
Lets take a look at why ACNE happens and some very easy home remedies to prevent and cure them.

    Acne is also called Acne vulgaris which is a disease of hair follicle. It affects almost all teenagers during puberty and affects face, shoulders, chest and back.
    Acne occurs when the sebaceous glands (oil glands) attached to the hair follicle are overstimulated at the time of puberty due to hormonal changes. These glands secrete the oil called Sebum which naturally lubricates the skin.
    Hair pores ,also called follicular pores, secrete sebum. Plugging of hair pores is another reason for acne. Over secretion of sebum and plugging of hair pores lead to formation of  a red bump. As it enlarges, the wall ruptures ,allowing irritants and bacteria to access into deeper layers of skin ; producing an inflammation called a Pimple.

Factors which flare up Acne
  • Junk food like Pizzas , burgers, deep fried food items ,cold drinks ,sweets ,chocolates worsen Acne and excess should be avoided.
  • Improper cleaning of the face is a major factor which causes clogging of the hair pores ;leading to white heads ,blackheads and acne.
  • Repeated touching of face with hands (cuz hands are not always clean 😁) is a flaring factor for acne.
  • Unhygienic bedspreads and pillow covers are not good for acne.
  • Some cosmetics and skin care products are Comedogenic  (Clogging pores) which cause acne.
  • Some types of medicines also cause acne ; like Birth control pills .
Now let take a look at various DIY methods to get rid of Acne. Remind you, these methods will not only cure them, but also prevent further breakouts. These remedies are suitable for both men and women and for almost all age groups.
DIY: Acne Remedies 

These are some one step methods that you can do everyday , without wasting time. Any of these will be very helpful in reducing acne.

1: Lemons
 Lemons are one of the cheapest and easiest methods to get rid of acne and pimples. They exfoliate, lighten and disinfect skin  to reduce the appearance of scars and prevent new pimples from breaking out.

Method : On a clean face, dab acne prone skin with a cotton ball or cotton swab dipped in lemon juice and simply rinse with cold water.

2 : Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar contains malic and lactic acids that exfoliate skin, reduce red marks, and treat acne Method : Make a DIY Apple cider vinegar toner at home. Mix equal parts apple cider vinegar and water. Apply to skin with a cotton ball . Just make sure to shake well before every use.                                 
3. Acidic Foods
Acidic foods like citrus fruit juice like orange juice have anti inflammatory and anti bacterial properties.

Method: Dab a little onto a cotton ball, gently swipe the cotton on the affected area . Let it dry and then wash it off. Repeat as often as possible.
In addition to the above mentioned methods, these are some more ways to aid and prevent any kids of breakouts.

The right Face Wash :Proper washing of face with good quality face wash is first step towards Acne Skin Care . I have used Brands like The Body Shop (Tea Tree Skin Cleansing Face Wash) , Neutrogena (Oil Free Acne Wash) , Himalaya Herbals (Purifying Neem Face Wash) and they have excellent results .You can use any face wash that you like, but an antibacterial face wash will be better.Wet your face , take coin sized amount of face wash in your palm , make a lather  and gently rub the face wash on your face in circular motion using your finger tips, avoiding eye area .Rinse off  thoroughly.
Face Toning With Lemon Ice Cubes : Mix 1 teaspoon full lemon juice in 100 ml of mineral water. Freeze it in ice try. Gently rub 2 ice cubes after washing your face as often as possible. Lemon has antimicrobial properties ,natural astringent and antioxidant. Ice helps in decreasing inflamed skin due to acne . Ice also helps in healing of pimple by cooling the surface of the skin and increases blood flows to the skin , resulting in healing of acne.

Acne Face Mask : (Honey, Lemon, Green Tea, Curd ) Take two teaspoon full of sour curd , two teaspoon full of  green tea (cold), one teaspoon full of honey , half teaspoon of lemon juice .Mix them well .Apply thoroughly on face and neck. Let it dry for 15-20 minutes. Wash it off with tap water.
Use this mask everyday if possible.

DIY: Black heads and White heads Removal 

Follow the above explained steps and in addition to that ,you can use the methods given below for a fast and effective blackhead and whitehead removal.

Baking Soda Paste to get rid of blackheads.

Method: Take two teaspoons full of baking soda and make a paste by adding small amount of water in it .Keep the consistency thick . After thoroughly washing face, apply this mixture on the affected skin . Keep it for about 7-8 minutes . If the paste gets too dry, dab a little water and gently rub in circular motion but don't be too harsh . Wash your face with cold water. Moisturise your face with Aloe Vera gel or Non Oily skin moisturizer . Repeat it every week .Gradually , all blackheads and whiteheads will be gone.

This method is very affective and you will see the real difference after the first use.
Remember, moisturizing the skin after this is very crucial. Also, don't use this method twice a week or the baking soda will disturb the pH of your skin.

Tomato and honey to get rid of whiteheads:

Honey contains antibacterial properties that will kill the bacteria if and any nutrients present in tomato soften your skin.
Ingredients: One slice of tomato, one teaspoon of honey and some crushed sugar

Method: Cut one tomato in half. Apply honey on the piece and crush sugar on it. You can also make a paste by crushing sugar , tomato and honey into a paste. Massage for 2 to 3 minutes and let it stay on for 10 to minutes on the affected area. Wash it off with water.

Coconut Oil
Coconut Oil can be used as a moisturiser after any of the above treatments. Coconut oil has anti bacterial properties and also replenishes skin and makes it rejuvenated. It is also very effective in curing acne scars and other scars as well. It is one of the best natural Moisturiser .  

Dont's for acne prone skin.

  1. Don't touch your face with dirty hands rather touch your face minimally .
  2. Don't pinch your pimples or whiteheads and black heads.
  3. Don't use face scrub over pimples ; it will worsen them.
  4. Don't eat fried ,sugary food much .
  5. Don't use oily make up on face.
  6. Don't wash your face more than twice day . Otherwise  it will wash away all your natural oils and the natural glow of skin.
  7. Do moisturise your skin with gel based or oil free moisturiser.